When You Meet a Cobra on the Road
A spiritual solution to a financial emergency
This passage appears in my book Cosmic Habit Force (Jan 2022). Due to the urgency of its message, I am providing it here free. If it resonates with you please consider ordering the book.
I am going to share a personal story that is so blunt in detail it will leave you with no doubt that I am being transparent with you in this book. I make these disclosures purposefully not only to provide workable, vivid, and, I hope, relatable advice from the perspective of the search, but also because I abhor works of practical spirituality or self-help that evade difficult realities with familiar truisms, juiced-up stories, exaggerated data, concealed identities, or syrupy anecdotes. You deserve better. And you are going to get it.
Here is a story that most contemporary Americans have experienced in one fashion or another when dealing with private health insurance. Just before the Covid lockdown in early 2020, I transitioned to making Cobra payments on my health insurance plan. Due to bureaucratic snafus — or, more realistically, intentional policies — I found myself in a transitionary or “dead zone” of insurance for about two months. I paid premiums that were supposed to retroactively apply to those months; regardless, the carrier…